Section 3 Employment Information

Section 3 is a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) mandate that requires employment and other economic opportunities generated by federal assistance to public housing authorities to be directed, whenever possible, to public housing residents and other low and very low income residents.
To access Section 3 job opportunities, you should have the necessary certifications to perform the work on the job site. At a minimum, most construction sites require employees to complete the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 30-Hour Construction Course and Site Safety Training (SST) 10 Hours, which trains workers and employers on recognition, avoidance, abatement and prevention of safety and health hazards in the workplace.
To learn more about Section 3 employment opportunities and eligibility, please note the following:
- Residents must attend a REES Information Session or complete a REES intake form via NYCHA’s Self-Service Portal. You can make an appointment for the REES Information Session online or by calling the REES Hotline at 718.289.8100.
- Residents will undergo an assessment of their skills, interests and qualifications.
- Residents who lack the necessary experience or certifications can access other training or economic opportunities, such as the NYCHA Resident Training Academy and trainings with NYCHA partner organizations.
Once Section 3 jobs become available, REES staff matches qualified candidates with the opportunities and provides referrals to contractors for interviews. For each available opportunity, REES will aim to refer at least two qualified NYCHA residents. The contractor is responsible for selecting the candidate who is the best fit for the available job.
To review frequently asked questions on Section 3, visit section3-faq(
To learn more about Section 3 Business Concerns, click here.